Digital Copies of the Syllabus are now on this website for downloading.

Paper copies will be available in Libraries and the Museum & Art Gallery in the next 2 weeks.


PHOTOGRAPHS- We are always looking for photographs of your entries, whether you perform them or exhibit them.

 If you would like to send in a jpg of your entry, we will publish one from each section in the syllabus next year and select one of these to go on the front cover. We will also use some of them to go on our publicity material.


Send in a photograph(jpg) of your entry or your performance or  (in the case of writing either a short poem or story or poster illustrating your story) before the end of June, together with your name and contact details.; plus the section and class number.

NB It doesnt whether or not you have  been awarded a certificate or trophy, we welcome photos of any entry.

The committee will select one from each section to go in the section syllabus next year, and from all the entries will select one to go on the front cover.

We may also use your entries on our website, on posters or other advertising for the Festival.

If selected we will send you a copy of the publication your photo appears in.

NB We reserve the right to crop any entry photograph to fit in/onto any publication we produce.

Send your photo to Val Squires at [email protected] 

TICKET TAYLOR – We are using Ticket Taylor this year for booking entry slots, this year, for Art, Craft, Needlecraft and Photography.

(Collection slots will be booked on entry day at Nuneaton Museum (Art) or Atkins Building (Craft, Needlecraft & Photography)

Just go to Ticket Taylor and search for Nuneaton Festival of Arts. See syllabus for dates when these are available.

Any problems accessing please contact Lillian Dowling at [email protected] or Tel: Val 07454242648