- To comply with Child Protection procedures the Official Nuneaton Festival of Arts application form MUST be completed and signed.
- Own Choice titles and composers must be given on the Entry Form and strictly adhered to. Competitors failing to give the information, or offering a different piece on the day, will be adjudicated but not marked. The Festival is under a legal obligation to supply to the Performing Right Society details of all items performed at the Festival, and the co-operation of teachers and competitors in sending information at the correct time would be very much appreciated.
- Music – A copy of the piece of music chosen must be made available for the use of the Adjudicator. The grades suggested for each class are intended for guidance only.
The Music Publishers’ Association Code of Practice on Photocopying Copyright Works makes the following concession for copying own choice pieces from volumes only for the use of the Adjudicator at a festival, provided that the entrant or participant has already purchased his/her own copy and that the copy made is retained and destroyed by the Administrator of the festival immediately after the event. This permission specifically does not apply to set works.
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