1. The competition is for amateurs and students who do not derive the main part of their income from the teaching or performing of dance.
  2. The age of the competitors is taken as on the first day of the festival.
  3. The committee may combine sections when entries are small, divide a class when entries are large and have the power to interpret any of these rules as the occasion may arise. The committee reserves the right to refuse any entries.
  4. The Festival does not accept liability for the infringement of copyright, recording or performing rights arising out of any competitor’s accompaniment or performance. Teachers are advised that they are responsible for their own licences.
  5. Flash photography and video recording is prohibited.
  6. The adjudicator’s decision is final and no discussion or correspondence concerning such decisions may ensue. The adjudicator can reserve the right not to award any place, if, in their opinion, the standard was insufficiently high. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals will be awarded in each section, with the exception of troupes and groups.
  7. The stage and stage wings are out of bounds to all except authorised persons and competitors about to perform (with the exception of baby classes).
  8. Competitors may perform ONCE only in their own age group for each solo section and for each dance technique in a duet or trio section. The age of the eldest competitor in a duet, trio or group determines the correct class.
  9. Time limits must not be exceeded, and the section will be rigidly timed. If a child is gonged he/she must leave the stage immediately. Competitors are advised to arrive and be ready to perform at least half an hour before the section is due to take place.
    The Time Limits are:
    Solos 10 Years and under 11/2 Minutes, 1/2 minute extra for song, acro, character
    Solos 11 Years and over 2 Minutes, 1/2 minute extra for song, acro, character
    Duets 21/2 minutes, 1/2 minute extra for song
    Trios 3 minutes, 1/2 minute extra for song
    Groups, Troupes 5 minutes
  10. Accompaniment for any song and dance must not include any recorded singing or chanting. Accompaniment for any tap section must not include any recorded tap or similar sound effect. This includes Troupes.
  11. Pointe work is not allowed for any competitor under 14 Years old. Fixed tap only may be used for tap dancing.
  12. Novice classes are open to those who have not been placed 1st in any competition.
  13. Please note that late entries will not be accepted. Cheques for entry fees should be made payable to “Nuneaton Festival of Arts”


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