1. To comply with Child Protection procedures the Official Nuneaton Festival of Arts application form MUST be completed and signed.
  2. Own choice song with composer MUST be stated on the entry form and strictly adhered to.
  3. Competitors failing to give the information or offering a different piece on the day will be adjudicated but not marked. The Festival is under a legal obligation to supply to the Performing Right Society details of all items performed at the Festival and the co-operation of teachers and competitors would be appreciated.
  4. No competitor may sing the same song in two classes.
  5. No changes can be made after the programme is completed.
  6. The official accompanist is available for all competitors except choirs.
  7. Competitors using the services of the official accompanist MUST forward a copy of all music performed to the section secretary no later than March 31st 2011. Each individual song MUST have your name and class number written on it. Where there is more than one page of music, please DO NOT staple them together. They should be sellotaped in lengths of no more than four sheets. Also, please check the quality of print to make sure that it is legible and there is nothing missing (notes etc.).
  8. An ORIGINAL copy of the music performed MUST be brought on the day for the use of the adjudicator.
  9. In Class 885 the candidate must bring with them an ORIGINAL backing CD . A CD player will be provided.
  10. The timing of classes will be arranged to suit the section as a whole and not to accommodate individual singers.
  11. Please, in your own interests, also refer to the general rules.



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