1. Please bring the completed entry form together with your work and entry fee to the Museum and Art Gallery on entries days.
  2. All work must have two labels, the first on the back of your work with your name, title of work and class number. The second attached to the hanging cord so that it can be seen hanging over the front of the picture.
  3. You will be required to complete two receipts when depositing your work at the Museum and Art Gallery, please retain your copy safely as it will be needed when you collect your work at the end of the exhibition.
  4. All framed work must be securely screw eyed and strung ready for hanging. Those not strung cannot be displayed. The framing needs to be firm, rigid, sturdy, in good condition and appropriate to the size of the work.
  5. It has been necessary to reduce the number of entries per individual to 4 single pieces throughout the syllabus also to restrict the dimensions of entries due to the reduction of space allocated for the exhibition.
  6. To comply with Child Protection procedures the Official Nuneaton Festival of Arts application form MUST be completed and signed.
  7. Dependant on the number of entries all entries will be adjudicated but the Museum cannot guarantee that all the work will be hung.
  8. Insurance forms can be obtained from the Museum and completed before entry days to speed up the entry process

Copies of the Museum Guidelines are avaiable to download from this web site – Click on Download Syllabus on the menu on the right.



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