This section gives an opportunity for all ages to perform on stage and receive professional adjudication. This is particularly helpful to school groups and those working for exams. It also gives amateur groups a chance to present their work, and for individuals to act, read, recite. Work with partners and to chorally speak.

Section secretaries

Mrs Carol Cottrell
S & D, 16 Winchester Drive, Nuneaton CV10 0DS
Tel: (024) 76387375

E Mail: [email protected]

Dates for the diary

Venues The Arts Centre, Pool Bank Street, Nuneaton
The Salvation Army Citadel, Victoria Street, Nuneaton
Closing Date For All Entries Saturday 25th April 2012
Competition Arts Centre Monday 30th April 2012
Salvation Army Citadel Tuesday 1st May 2012
Salvation Army Citadel Wednesday 2nd May 2012
Salvation Army Citadel Thursday 3rd May 2012

Trophies and Awards

Awards are listed against the relevant classes in the syllabus apart from:

The Dr Plester Award of £50 will be given this year to the entrant aged 16 years and under, who, shows particular promise and will be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator on the final day of the Speech & Drama competition.


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