This section gives an opportunity for all ages to perform on stage and receive professional adjudication. This is particularly helpful to school groups and those working for exams. It also gives amateur groups a chance to present their work, and for individuals to act, read, recite. […]
To comply with Child Protection procedures the Official Nuneaton Festival of Arts application form MUST be completed and signed. E Mail entries will be accepted; however cheques/cash for the entry fee together with the signed declarations on the application form MUST be received by the section […]
Adjudicator: Ann Warr, B.Ed.(Hons), LGSM, PGCA, Cert Ed., FRSA Ann Warr has been involved with poetry and drama for most of her life. She first started working for the BBC at the age of nine, later becoming involved in professional theatre both onstage and backstage. A […]